What is Global Gender Gap Index?
- On Each of the four factors as well as on the overall index the Global Gender Gap Index provides scores between 0 and 1, where 1 shows full gender parity and 0 is complete imparity.
- Since its Inception in 2006, it is the longest- standing index, which tracks progress towards closing these gaps.
Major Objective of GGG index is to serve as a compass to track progress on relative gaps between men and women on the basis of health, education, politics and economy.
With the help of this report the government and institutions are able to set priorities relevant to each specific economics, political and other factors.
Key Findings of Report:
- The Global Gender Gap Score in 2024 is 68.5%, which means 31.5% of the gap remains untouched or unaddressed. Progress is quite slow, with only 0.1% point improvement from 2023.
- At the current rate, it may take more than 130 years to reach full gender parity globally for beyond the 2030 SDG target.
- The Gender Gap Remains quite high in Political empowerment (77.5% unaddressed and Economics Participation & Opportunity (39.5% unaddressed)
Countries Lies in Top Rank in this Index:
- Iceland remains the world's most gender equal society with 93.5% for the 15 Consecutive year. It is followed by Finland, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden in top 5 rankings.
- 7 out of top 10 countries are from European Regions i.e., Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden , Germany, Ireland, Spain.
- Other regions represented are Eastern Asia and the Pacific( New Zealand at 4th) Latin America and the Caribbean (Nicaragua at 6th rank), and Sub-Saharan Africa(Namibia at 8th rank)
- Spain and Ireland made notable performance by acquiring its position in top 10 in 2024, climbing 8th and 2nd ranks respectively, as compared to 2023.
Regional Performance:
- Europe leads with 75% of its gender gap closed, followed by Northern America (78.8%) and Latin America & Caribbean (74.2%)
- The Middle east and North Africa region rank last at 61.7% of its gender gap closed.
- Southern Asia region ranks 7th out of 8 regions with a gender parity score of only 63.7%.
Economic and Employment based Gaps:
- Representation of Women’s workforce lags behind men’s across every industry and economy at 42% overall and only 31.7% in senior leadership roles
- The Leadership factor shows a 21.5% point drop from entry-level to managerial level for women globally.
- Women’s Hiring into leadership roles deteriorated in 2023-24 due to worsening economic conditions.
Tech & Skills Based Gaps
- Women remain underrepresented in STEM at 28.2% of that workforce versus 47.3% in non- STEM Roles.
- Gender gaps exit in skills like AI, big data and cybersecurity which will be crucial for the future of work.
Status Of India in Global Gender Gap Index 2024 Report:
- India’s Rank: India has slipped two places in the Global rankings to 129th in 2024 127th in 2023 out of 146 countries.
- Within south Asia, India ranked fifth after Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. Pakistan ranked last in the region.
Economics Factor:
India is among the countries with the lowest levels of economic parity, similar to Bangladesh, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, and Morocco,with less than 30% gender parity in estimated earned income.
Educational Factor:
India showed gender parity in secondary education enrolment.
Political Empowerment:
India ranked 65th globally in Political empowerment of women and 10th in parity of years with female/male heads of state over the past 50 years.
However, women’s representation at the federal level, in Ministerial positions(6.9%) and in Parliament 17.2%) remains low.
Gender Gap Closure:
India has closed 64.1% of its gender gap as of 2-24. The clip in ranking from 127 to 129th was primarily due to small declines in Educational Attainment and Political Empowerment parameters, although Economics Participation and Opportunity scores saw slight improvements.
Initiatives taken by Indian Government to Reduce gender gap in social, economic and political life.
- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
- Mahila Shakti Kendra
- Mahila Police Volunteers
- Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
- Sukanya Smariddhi Yojna
- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
Also, various Entrepreneurship Programmes have been introduced by the Government of India to raise the standard of women in India and finish the gender gap, also on the other hand government has reserved 33% of seats in Pasnchayati Raj institutions for women, as per the 106th Amendment Act 2023, seats have also been reserved for women, one third of seats for women in Lok sabha, State legislative assemblies, and the legislative Assembly of the national capital territory of Delhi, including those reserved for SCs and STs.
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Abhay Yadav